Sunday, 21 November 2010

21st November- (2 months and 3 days!)

Hellooo, This week has been busybusybusy!
I have got 3 paid jobs! woowoop! I clean windows for one job and babysit for three families! Lush times :P
Someone came up to me in church and said I looked bored, would I like to clean her windows and get paid? I thought fair enough... she has a Penthouse! 15 floors up and I have to stand on a stepladder to clean the top of the outside windows...  don't look down! But it was good arm work out ;) (dead arms the next day!!)

    The stepladder...

 The drop!

I'm glad that I finally have things to look forward to, I feel that even though these are fairly simple tasks, I'm being kept busy so boredom is slowly evaporating ...
Sunday school last week was good... I had freedom to lead it and choose what I would like to teach. So themed it on the Footprints poem. (Thankyou ctc!) I find the poem very inspirational and can relate to it most the time! =P
The children had to draw around their feet and colour them in =] They read the poem and took mini versions home and made their own "feet prayers." 
They then went up the front at the end of the service and showed the congregation what they done. (One small boy clung to my leg the whole time!cuteee) It was a good sunday school! ^^ very proud...

My foots on there somewhere... I have small feet compared to half the kids! lol
... "When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

All week we have been planning a Messy Church service calling it "Family Fun Church" and we themed it on the Jesus the light of the World which turned out quite well! Mirrors and candles...make a tunnel of everlasting light!
Below are the arts and crafts... Light themed


Children preparing food!

Cuteeee... (Notice boy on left- painted nails! He clung onto my leg at sunday school..)

The kids play with the big kid ( aka me! )

The service turned out quite well... During the sermon, the speaker asked the congregation, "What's a prophet?" and a little girl raises her hand and says, "Is that the amount of money you make from something??"
xD lol  At the end we all sat together and ate the salad and russian salad the children had ordered and the pizza delivered from pizza hut. There was a strong sense of unity and I look forward to planning the christmas themed Family Fun Service in a months time!

Today in Sunday school the theme was Christ the King... so the children had to design crowns and one would be named the winner...
...I want a crown!

Anyways I'm babysitting and window cleaning again next week followed by more sunday school!
Two of my friends are also flying over on Thursday XD (pray for their safe journey over please!)

They fly back Sunday which I will join them doing so for a University Interview! Yay! Home ^^
So please please please pray that goes okay! =]
I hope I don't freeze to death when I return hehe...
Thankyou for reading and thanks for your prayers =] keep them coming! I hope to update you all soon!
Over and Out x

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

10th November- New hope?

Hey Guys!
Sorry for my lack of posts lately! I have been quite low lately and didn't have much to update lol xD
There have been a lot of complications and disagreements over the last two weeks and I was considering returning home early.

However I have had a few uplifts, my friend and my parents visited and kept me chirpy for a few days xD (thankyouuuuu! =])
I also kept getting this little feeling to "Just wait a little patient..." so I did. No harm in waiting a BIT longer I spose ? 

Then today I was told I'm going into my first school tomorrow to talk to the head!! woowoop xD finally! Action is kicking in!
I also have 2 babysitting jobs waiting and I'm doing bits and bobs here and there so my time is slowly but surely filling up !
So thankyou for your prayers and encouragement and support you have given me the last few weeks, they are very much appreciated!!!  =] I hope things keep going up hill!
Thankyou God!!! ^^

...Over and Out x

P.S. Uplifting song of the day... "Son of Man"- Phil Collins...from Tarzan =P

Oh, the power to be strong
And the wisdom to be wise
All these things will
come to you in time
On this journey that you're making
There'll be answers that you'll seek
And it's you who'll climb the mountain
It's you who'll reach the peak

Son of Man, look to the sky
Lift your spirit, set it free
Some day you'll walk tall with pride
Son of Man, a man in time you'll be...

etc etc ;)